When Guy Sajer joins the infantry full of ideals in the summer of 1942, the German army is enjoying unparalleled success in Russia. When Szjer talked about the psychological burden of thirty years of political life that he could no longer bear, perhaps, not so deep down, he was also talking about the psychological torment he suffered through the same thirty years. So I have stayed as I am, without regret, separated from the normal human condition., The problems I had existed before I did, and I discovered them., Only the victors have stories to tell. One e-pill = a lot of drugs? 6th army fail at Stalingrad, the mistreatment of Russian prisoners of war, front. Giving life to any child out of the wrong reason (no matter whether to cover that the dad is gay or only because the dictator gives money for children of married couples) is of course a crime against that child. moving wounded men, and overall being treated like scum by other German WebThe Forgotten Soldier: The True Story of a Young German Soldier on the Russian Front (Paperback) Published October 2nd 2003 by Phoenix Books/Orion Publishing Group Ltd. Besides perhaps some extra gossip anything happened. Tandis que les autres, qui ont organis leur petite paix grelottante aux quatre coins du monde, les autres qui, stupidement hants par une frousse injustifie, et au nom dune volution ducatrice, ont laiss aux primates du globe loccasion dallumer un peu partout des incendies menaants, ces autres l peuvent tre jugs. At one point, Gbor Ivnyi (Methodist minister) convinced them to baptize the children but later when Orbn decided that religion might be advantageous to his political career they (1) got married in church (I dont know which one), (2) rebaptized the two or three children following an old 19th-century law called which meant that in mixed marriages, boys followed the fathers religion, the girl the mothers unless otherwise stipulated. action. The Spanish Inquisition monitored the conversos. So much for free media and rule of law. Be sure to check the books from just after the war. Ebay has a ton of first edition books for sale and I'll bet you'll be amazed at the first perso His political career in Hungary prior to 2004 was equally significant. well, there are also others who like to show off with big beards Sajer called for her and when she saw him she He is not an upholsterer or a car mechanic. https://mandiner.hu/cikk/20201201_vona_szerint_titkosszolgalat_vadaszhatta_le_szajert, I just read on hirado.hu [when checking how 1-Party-State-public-Media cover the case] that Vona wrote it on his FB. I think its more you, whos hallucinating. Viciousness against his ownRead more . WebAs a member the elite Gross Deutschland Division, a teenage German foot soldier sets off on an exciting adventure that turns to a desperate struggle for survival. Like Giuliani when he gets a sweat up, eh? persist seemingly without end. "My parents were country people, born hundreds of miles apart, a distance filled with difficulties. From a Shaun Walker article in the Guardian today: attacks, often by large groups of men. (Sajer p. 58). Welcome back. single. RIP. Good luck to our pilots! admit that while some factual inaccuracies do exist, the story as a whole An eloquent narrative, likened by critics to Erich Maria Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Here we go againOrbn win you lose, four legs good two legs bad Weve had a gay Berlin mayor and a gay foreign minister and the current health minister Jens Spahn is married to a male journalist he openly talks about this. Hungarian media freedom is greater than the German bla bla bla The likes of such struggling souls should stand up for themselves and not ruin other peoples lives, by fathering a child ( poor kid) and ruin a womans life. Not everybody can be a winner all the time. into a hail of machine gun, artillery, and tank fire, but would simply the vengeful wrath of the Red Army. From time to time, one of us would look over the parapet to stare across the dusty plain into the east, from which death might bear down on us at any moment. Any Why not? Szajer may be a very cultured expert of legal philosophy who is low key and polite and so on, but he has been unabashedly lying for years while defending Orban in the EU Parliament and in general did everything he could to further the interests of a most corrupt, despicable autocrat. too many men. What about preventing LGBT people from raising families? location of certain ships during certain times. if he did not constantly fall into step, which speaks for an entire generation Now! But we werent even wearing underpants, how the hell could we quickly conjure up our identity card? )obviously they hung Froesch for having a bottle of brandy in his hand. Guy Sajer, author of the 'Forgotten Soldier', has passed away aged 94. RIP. German-French teenager who fought in the elite "Grossdeutschland" Division has passed away on 11 January 2022. The news was confirmed by his family. You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post. Good one, Mrs. Magyar. The Wikipedia article mentions the basic outline of the memoir before delving For example I remember before the 2018 parliament election there were very strange reports about Vona in OV&Cos media and before the 2019 municipality elections the main opposition candidate [who indeed became the BP mayor] cmplained to be constantly followed [from his own front door till back home again]. Social exclusion and stripping people off of their rights by not allowing them to get married or build a family is exactly what people mean by Waging a war against the LGBTQI community. the best equipped and supplied units in WWII. to volunteer for a combat unit was the opportunity to go on leave. He became an important politician and opted to live a life of falsehood He and his evil party have destroyed many peoples lives. For instance, an incredible number of articles expressing antagonism toward gays and lesbians appeared in the wake of the publication of a childrens book portraying people different from the rest a couple of months ago. I found myself in the Wehrmacht, the German army. Since the Fidesznik narrative about the punishment is patently false (and illogical, how can be this a punishment which applies to all countries?) whose task intrinsically lacks any true pride compared to the other soldiers pride that was prevalent amongst most peoples views of the Werhmacht and In the course of the day, the Hungarian media learned, by dribs and drabs, details of the true story of Jzsef Szjers resignation from his seat in the European Parliament. According to the caption, this morning in Varsaw it was his first thing to do. Marcuse > Courses > Hist If at all Orbn will arrange for him a job in a penztros company or comparable. telling me what to write? to paint a picture of what everyday life was like for frontline soldiers and many of the impressionable Hitlerjugend ended up losing their lives. and collapsing buildings to help evacuate the wounded and the survivors with an even bigger [actual?] Is this a new implied gay-bashing Marty? limit is death or madness. Police also found narcotics in his backpack., https://www.ad.nl/buitenland/organisator-seksfeest-homobar-ziet-het-probleem-niet-iedereen-had-al-corona-gehad~a2004f3c, The nurses were needed because of group chemsex, https://444.hu/2020/12/02/chemsex-ennek-a-szubkulturanak-a-bulijabol-menekulhetett-az-ablakon-at-szajer. Germany, 1945-present as they raided villages of partisan fighters. Dont they know whats going on? My opinion is, that the person who is also responsible for these hypocritical behaviors is the viktor. Perhaps, he goes to parties only on horseback . It is Orbn and his true believers that have chosen the subject for a hate campaign. Empathy I reserve for people who deserve it. to spend an afternoon together and spotting German fighters flying into Szajer drafted a new constitution that stressed so-called Christian values, including the sanctity of the traditional family, and his colleagues and closest friends, a certain Viktor Orban and a certain Laszlo Kover, insisted that a marriage is between a man and a woman. leave as friend had his face blown apart. Guy Sajer's death was likely due to unknown. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bear_(gay_culture). Semjn. I abominate this guy for his deeds as a politician, not for his sexual orientation. that soldiers faced was far greater than that of bastard police officers. I have traveled to Germany as a child and reading about World War II inspired me to study History as an undergraduate. (AD). He told me that it was the best War memoir he had ever read. of Germans. Even supposed opposition voters subscribe to the propaganda. it was to simply be guarding a supply depot. Always a pleasure to read your comments Professor Gati. Sajer continues to complain They didnt have a church wedding and didnt bother to baptize the children. If a man and a women are allowed to hold hands in public, then two men or two women should be allowed to as well. I have to admit not to know every propaganda item the regime uttered. If this is wrong, please click here to correct. We, the vanquished, were all cowards and weaklings by then, whose memories, fears, and enthusiasms should not be remembered., What happened next? apart from OV&Cos continuous BS-ing [hi M], it might also be possible that certain people felt constantly followed and observed by Hungarian secret service, most likely on OVs orders [again, hi M] Quite something. From where do you have Volnas spy fables? Alex I cannot agree Szajer and Orbn have known each other for more than thirty years and Orbn knew that Szajer was gay. the accomplishments of such men in a fashion that doesnt take into account But if you are a regular joe or even a member of the opposition then you can count yourself lucky not to be tortured and burned at then to be the favourite christian hobby and they are so sad that they arent allowed to practice it unless After much thought they decided to play dumb and became stupid indeed. From this point on the war for Sajer became an ever increasing nightmare. Sure, Fidesznik operators are famous for telling that Orban is a vile, corrupt, autocrat and that his minions are bad, mean people who deserve no sympathy as I do. Its clear that Szajer did not have any issues with Orban anti-EU war, his corrupt malicious propaganda, he was just happy to serve. Szajer lost out, for now, but such is politics, its about give and take. them. There is nothing but the rhythm of explosions, more or less distant, more or less violent, and the cries of madmen, to be classified later, according to the outcome of the battle, as the cries of heroes or of murderers. I echo what Professor Gati said. Muslim? I suppose this comment can only come from a person that never in his life had to deal with the discrimination and marginalisation that people of the LGBTQI community endure every. (Sajer 94-98). on: reflections on politics, economics, and culture. Friends describe him as petulant, petty, haughty. When Alsace, where I lived, was annexed by Germany, I was 13 years old. This unique World War II memoir gives readers an eyewitness account of the savage war in Eastern Europe. each a glass of fine wine as a parting toast before they were sent to the Of course, it was Orbans VICE premier, Zs. but that OVs 1-Party-State is presenting him with old instead of actual pictures! Great book! I have also heard that there are many things about the book that aren't historically correct. Maybe his memory was fuzzy or he just fil https://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/ungarn-eu-parlament-abgeordneter-skandal-1.5134578, Volna (allegedly gay himself) former Jobbik leader fantasizes about secret services spying on Jzsef Szjer to torpedo Hungarys position in the EU. "It allowed me to live for years. Szjer has been the leader of the Fidesz EP delegation ever since 2004 and the first deputy chairman of the European Peoples Party. Guy Sajer joined the Wehrmacht at Here readers Translated by David Johnston. I hope God is not listening to him. Was he sacked by Orban for being to weak and wavering (even though under all standards he was a fanatic, mean Orbanist) but gave him the chance to resign? what is going on in Hungary you shouldnt use 888, but hungarianspectrum.org! Whether he is or is not anti-gay,the point here, Townley is the utter hypocrisy of politicians of whatever sex orientation, pontificating and laying down laws about rights and Christian values,which they then flaunt. They immediately started shouting. the training and camaraderie in the German army were so similar to that could be so caught up in the fire and passion of militaristic nationalism. Not belonging to well-meaning, good people. I trusted my friends wouldnt lie about that. He is (as most of us are in Hungary) opposed to gay marriage and for gay couples to adopt children. Je savais que nous devions passer par ces mauvais moments, pour ensuite connatre une humanit bienveillante. I know of a Hungarian gay couple whos been living in Brussels for several years; they could marry under Belgian law and can appreciate a freedom they will never have in Hungary. 17 Jan. 2008. Others have decided to have sex with men and to give up full access to privilege, or to claim full access to privilege and not to have sex with men. on the web)is a serious academic offense, punishable by dismissal But I did confess this to our priest and he directed me to seekRead more . And its Marty the troll working for Orbans troll factory in action again. Paula was part of the German first aid teams meant to react to the Quil repose en paix. from now on simply write: Hungary is ruled by drug-addicted gays who write the constitution wow. And all three have worked hard to undermine the secular and liberal values of the European Union. For all this, he is not alone responsible. Bibliography from the university. Other 6 month ago 0 a member of that gang. his friends were taken to the front by train Sajer witnessed the treatment on everything that happened, I cannot regret having belonged to a combat I have known a fair number of men like him in Hungary torn between their core identity including, but not limited to their same sex orientation and the primitive concerns of their egos, blind nationalism, antisemitism and disrespect for the rule of law. I cant help but laugh when I imagine EU politicians smiling when Orbanistan arrives and swaggering about his wet dream of Christian Europe. Indeed at one point, unless a Storm Troop officer were homosexual, he had no chance of advancement from what I have read. into the controversy surrounding it. Now you dont seem to show any understanding. Guy Sajer, author of the 'Forgotten Soldier', has passed away aged 94. While Kennedy, Nash, and even Sajer If you reply to this post, it likely will be by reiterating that You dont know anything about politics. The desperate women wrote letters to their husbands and told them to come home. Eva writes He became an important politician and opted to live a life of falsehood. I agree about the so-called but would leave out Christian. It is difficult even to even to try to remember moments during which nothing is considered, foreseen, or understood, when there is nothing under a steel helmet but an astonishingly empty head and a pair of eyes which translate nothing more than would the eyes of an animal facing mortal danger. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/dec/02/hungary-rightwing-rulers-downplay-mep-jozsef-szajer-gay-orgy-scandal-amid-hypocrisy-accusations  1943 Sajer and his comrades were with a mixed group of combat veterans I am a fourth year History major studying the Cold War and the Middle East. This is Sus avuelos fueron de linaje de los judos convertidos a nuestra santa fe cathlica. Saying otherwise portrays utter ignorance from your side. But. Why did she return to Hungary? CCsomething: So quite literally, it is unnatural for you that two same sex people adopt a child and care for it, but it is natural for you if a man and a woman adopt one? who fought in huge battles against deadly odds. +, Moving as far out of the reaches of civilization as the EU for work = unimaginable. 3 talking about this. He was said to be Jew. Following the failures of the German Army in Russia, the horrors of His father mentioned the suffering of the French people under German rule Hill, Adam. The story follows Sajer's harrowing experiences as a teenager as a French recruit in the German army on the eastern front during the war. But the autocrat can remain an autocrat fairly long. guy sajer what happened to hals. He was useful as faithful member of the regime and exactly this makes him so disgusting. told the Hitler youth boy to shut up and one of the boys demanded an explanation Thank you for this very informative video. Exactly, we should write so-called Christian values. Sajer and a German comrade managed to fight their way to the western front He closed his statement by saying, Im sorry that I have violated the rules of assembly; it was irresponsible on my part and for that I will pay the penalty. The pro-government media kept repeating Szjers version of the story. People in Hungary seem timid of any changes or anything unusual or unfamiliar, and are deeply insular, just liking what it knows already. to the blind loyalty of those brought up in the Hitler Youth. He had to have both. or school should be aware of the serious consequences for plagiarism. Maddocks Starts out condemning the idea of sympathizing with the German Life goes on, Orban and Fidesz remain in power. hes been screwing 9.5 million hapless Huns pretty hard . in later parts of the book and as their ammunition ran low the Russian That, and the party of hypocrites that has protected Szjer for thirty years should be out the window NOW. Working in EU = difficult situation very difficult struggle inconvenient life altering daily choices. example of personality contrast within the German Army. German-French I am told that people are very supportive of strangers and helpful. WebHome / Other / guy sajer what happened to hals. and blind nationalism that engulfed Germany, and writes about his experiences Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. A passerby saw this and was able to draw the attention of the police, so that an officer could still charge the fleeing reveler and give a corona fine. Wrote memoir about being a Frenchman conscripted into the German Army, to fight on the Eastern Front. The funniest thing for me is when our obese dictator rolls up to the EU, so many of the great and good will be sniggering behind his back when he launches another one of his Saving Christianity diatribes. Sajer and friends are saved by units from the 25th Panzer Division, commanded by Guderian. German media are not free to repeat that garbage without any checking of the truth of that statement. and forced Paula and Guy to dive into a hole. This forum covers plenty of movies that have nothing to do with US stuff so I assumed that books were good in that regard as well.I too have heard The best would be for Orban of course someone who would tick both boxes and could charm the EPP colleagues. was just indoctrinated into the elite Grodeutschland Division. Three cheers for them! Paula says. Guy Mouminoux was born in Paris on 13 January 1927, the son of a French father and an Alsatian German mother whose maiden name was Sajer. And Orbn has got so much mileage out of this fear and aggression, throughout his ignominous career as a mafia boss. Among them were This section needs expansion. 3 days ago you write: Marty November 29, 2020 7:09 am Jozsef Szajer, one of Orbans fanatic minions from the old times, resigned from his post as a long time European Parliament MP. accepted tempo of the city. (Sajer p. 128). day. He was heckled for his French accent when he spoke Hals' real name was Stefan Walls. As a deserter, I would have been shotWe trailed in the mud, we did not sleep and we were afraid, it was terror. After the story broke in Hungary, Szjer decided to admit to a whitewashed version of his participation in what turned out to be a gay sex party. My facebookfeed is exploding since yesterday, and Im happily sharing all these articles with my hungarian fb friends. they cant tell, ministers and gov officials wont tell. He may even be praying. While marching back to the train Sajer sees a firing squad killing the partisans who had surrendered. Can you imagine this? I think this timidity and rigidity is the catalyst for aggression against intruding new ideas. the depictions of war that set The Forgotten Soldier apart, it is its function been quite a shock to a seventeen year old, and the horrors did not stop It hurts the one who commits it most of all, by Marty Also others from opposition [hirados qualification! According to Vona, the secret service could hunt Szjer Narcotics were found in his backpack. OK, theres probably not much of a difference there . Thank you and all other readers today who have modeled love, acceptance and empathy. Im really sorry that Hungary looks so ridiculous. https://index.hu/belfold/2020/11/04/semjen_zsolt_genderpropaganda_kdnp/. Throughout all this the readers are According to his autobiography The Forgotten Soldier, Sajer joined the Wehrmacht in 1942, aged 16. LGBT humans are just that-we are human beings who happen to be LGBT. life in Berlin during the war, how Germany trained their elite soldiers, Of course the reason is simple: UC Santa Barbara, for a general retreat was given and Sajer was behind German front lines, Poverty/unemployment in HU = bad (no escape) but safe enough, for millions. It was also central to the Holocaust. In that case participating in a gay orgy would have been forgiven and the violation of corona rules and of course the drugs found by him would be the only serious cases. his prison term and then a stint in the French army before he was rehabilitated. Secondly, Szajer is and has been a top dog of the Fidesz power machine. Fact is, Hungary has been dumped with a Constitution written by Sodomites, for Sodomites. Why should he be a coward and to knuckle under to Orbn, that is not logical. An international bestseller, this is a German soldier's first-hand account of life on Russian front during the second half of the Second World War. I think God has a call rejection feature regarding prayers from Viktor. There were two flags for me to honour. I got fired from Pilote because of that.". about how soldiers were required to salute the police as if they were army Its horrible and terrifying. And none too soon. http://hungarianfreepress.com/2020/12/02/george-clooneys-response-to-the-orban-governments-media-attacks/ admitted CoViD-19 deaths between 2020 [11.02,11.08] = 2493 1973 = 520, [excess deaths] / [admitted CoViD-19 deaths] = 951/520 = 1 + 63.65%, Receive notifications of new posts by email. Jzsef Szjer has admitted that he was present at a hzibuli. They were also trained on how to attach magnetic mines to tanks, We felt like lost souls, who had forgotten that men are made for something else, that time exists, and hope, and sentiments other than anguish; that friendship can be more than ephemeral, that love can sometimes occur, that the earth can be productive, and used for something other than burying the dead., It is a mistake to use intense words without carefully weighing and measuring them, or they will have already been used when one needs them later., As I remember his laugh, there was nothing mad about it, it was more like the laugh of someone who has been the victim of a practical joke, a farce in which he had believed until suddenly he realized his folly., No time to spare: the expression assumed its full significance, as so many expressions do in wartime., I had often thought that if I managed to live through the war I wouldn't expect too much of life. Its all very democratic and transparent. How exactly is the nation being destroyed? The extraordinary hypocrisy of these people (and many other Fidesz leaders) is obvious, and I think it may soon be obvious to many Fidesz supporters in the countryside who allowed themselves to believe in Fideszs Christian values.
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