Most of the igneous rocks were manufactured in the ocean and are basalt. Rainier, a composite volcano rising to over 14,000 feet above sea level in Mt. The boundary between the two plates is the Nootka Fault, which is the location of frequent small-to-medium earthquakes (roughly up to magnitude 5), as depicted by the red stars. Remove unwanted regions from map data QGIS. Three others, Aniakchak National Monument, Katmai National Park, and Lake Clark National Park, are farther inland, along the active volcanic arc. Plate borders the North American Plate, the South American Plate, the Nazca Plate and the Cocos Plate. As the Juan de Fuca Plate (lower cookie) subducts beneath the North American Plate (upper cookie), the layers are scraped off the ocean floor and pile up as the Coast Range. The colliding continental material will not be subducted because it is too light (i.e., because it is composed largely of light continental rocks [SIAL]), but the root of the oceanic plate will eventually break off and sink into the mantle. They contain explosive volcanoes formed as fluids rise from the top of the subducting plate and generate magma as they melt their way to the surface. and Alberta are also a result of continent-continent collisions. Similarly the South American Plate extends across the western part of the southern Atlantic Ocean, while the European and African plates each include part of the eastern Atlantic Ocean. Since there are convection currents in the mantle,. Dont worry if you cant name them all. But unlike Mt. The Cocos Plate is a tectonic plate beneath the Pacific Ocean off the west coast of Central America. Pangea began to rift apart along a line between Africa and Asia and between North America and South America at around 200 Ma. Compared to the other tectonic plates in the region, the Cocos Plate is converging with the Caribbean Plate at a steady rate of about 78 millimeters per year based on data from ISCO over 10 months. 20 Million Years Ago Now you should see color coded lines that are the plate boundaries, and the names of Earth's major plates. It is assumed that the relative lack of strength of the partial melting zone facilitates the sliding of the lithospheric plates. The Rocky Mountains in B.C. Bold numbers are the years of moderately large (larger than about M7) historical earthquakes written next to their approximate location. Ranger Jens Oreo Demo Farther inland, the subducting plate reaches depths where it sweats hot water. 100% (1 rating) SOLUTION: * The plate boundaries moving towards each other are called the convergent plate boundaries. The lake partially fills a collapsed crater (caldera) that formed when a 12,000-foot (3,700-meter) composite volcano, Mt. Sites in the Sierra Nevada Mountains reveal the eroded roots of an ancient volcanic range that formed when the subduction zone extended much farther south. Puget Sound and the Willamette Valley are areas near sea level between the coastal and volcanic mountain ranges. Examples of ocean-continent convergent boundaries are subduction of the Nazca Plate under South America (which has created the Andes Range) and subduction of the Juan de Fuca Plate under North America (creating the mountains Garibaldi, Baker, St. Helens, Rainier, Hood, and Shasta, collectively known as the Cascade Range). This plate is moving north east towards the Eurasia plate. The Caribbean plate is sandwiched between the North American and South American plates to the east and the Cocos, Nazca and North Andean plates to the west. The Coast Range (accretionary wedge), Great Valley (forearc basin), and Sierra Nevada (volcanic arc) still reflect the subduction zone topography. Photo courtesy of Robert J. Lillie. Figure \(\PageIndex{4}\): Steven Earle. As the mid-ocean ridge separating the Farallon and Pacific Plates entered the subduction zone, the Farallon Plate separated into the Juan de Fuca and Cocos Plates. As the Atlantic Ocean floor gets weighed down around its margins by great thickness of continental sediments (i.e., geosynclines), it will be pushed farther and farther into the mantle, and eventually the oceanic lithosphere may break away from the continental lithosphere (Figure \(\PageIndex{12}\)). The boundary between the Pacific and North American plates in California is a transform plate boundary marked by the San Andreas strike-slip fault. The Philippine Sea Plate. Thus subduction-zone volcanoesincluding those in the Cascadescan be explosive (think of the release of steam in a boiling pot of thick oatmeal). The Cascade Volcanoes extend in a north-south line from Mt. The Cocos plate is found on the west side of Mexico. Point Reyes National Seashore and Golden Gate National Recreation Area are the only two NPS sites that are right on the San Andreas Fault. The Pacific Plate is the fastest, followed by the Australian and Nazca Plates. Left image A divergent boundary occurs when two tectonic plates move away from each other. The North American plate is moving to the west-southwest at about 2.3 cm (~1 inch) per year driven by the spreading center that created the Atlantic Ocean, the Mid Atlantic Ridge. Credit: Photo courtesy of Robert J. Lillie. Examples of ocean-ocean convergent zones are subduction of the Pacific Plate beneath the North America Plate south of Alaska (Aleutian Islands) and beneath the Philippine Plate west of the Philippines, subduction of the India Plate beneath the Eurasian Plate south of Indonesia, and subduction of the Atlantic Plate beneath the Caribbean Plate (see Figure \(\PageIndex{1}\)). Mazama, Aniakchak no longer holds a large lake because the caldera wall is breached. These mega-earthquakes occur every 200 to 600 years or so, and the last one was in the year 1700. It was preceded by Pannotia (600 to 540 Ma), by Rodinia (1,100 to 750 Ma), and by others before that. Because the oceanic crust formed by spreading on the mid-Atlantic ridge is not currently being subducted (except in the Caribbean), the Atlantic Ocean is slowly getting bigger, and the Pacific Ocean is getting smaller. Geology This subduction-subduction-transform (SST) triple junction is referred to hereafter as the NACC triple junction. At an ocean-ocean convergent boundary, one of the plates (oceanic crust and lithospheric mantle) is pushed, or subducted, under the other. But the incident highlighted the importance of monitoring volcanic activity and making the information immediately available to the airline industry and other segments of the public. The Pacific Plate is moving to the northwest at a speed of between 7 and 11 centimeters (cm) or ~3-4 inches a year. The Cocos Plate is a relatively small sized, triangular-shaped oceanic plate located just west of Mexico and the Caribbean. A by-product of the metamorphism is the release of hot fluids, especially water. The Cocos plate was created about 23 million years ago when a larger plate broke into two pieces. It is bordered by the Caribbean, North American, Pacific, and Nazca tectonic plates. Between the African plate and the Indian plate Choose. Left image The plates are made up of crust and the lithospheric part of the mantle (Figure \(\PageIndex{2}\)), and even though they are moving all the time, and in different directions, there is never a significant amount of space between them. Often it is the older and colder plate that is denser and subducts beneath the younger and hotter plate. Visitors to Olympic National Park, Oregon Caves National Monument, or Redwood National and State Parks can look down and imagine the top of the Juan de Fuca Plate about 10 miles (16 kilometers) beneath their feet. USGS photo. Plates move as rigid bodies, so it may seem surprising that the North American Plate can be moving at different rates in different places. Layers of sandstone and shale deposited on the top of the Pacific Plate were later metamorphosed to quartzite and slate as the plate subducted beneath southern Alaska, and then shoved upward as part of the accretionary wedge. The Pacific Northwest is an exciting place to observe geologic processes in action. Subduction zones occur when one or both of the tectonic plates are composed of oceanic crust. It is released when the oceanic crust is heats and then rises and mixes with the overlying mantle. The Cocos Ridge (CR), which formed when the Cocos Plate drifted over the Galapagos Hotspot (Walther, 2003) , is a bathymetric high reaching about 2 km above the surrounding seafloor and stretching about 2000 km long and 200-300 km wide across the Cocos Plate . Jennifer Natoli was a seasonal ranger at Redwood National and State Parks in California. Spreading rates vary considerably, from 2 cm/y to 6 cm/y in the Atlantic, to between 12 cm/y and 20 cm/y in the Pacific. The eruption of Mt. Modified from Earth: Portrait of a Planet", by S. Marshak, 2001, W. W. Norton & Comp., New York. The North American Plate . Some geological processes act so slowly that we may think of the Earth as rock-solid and unmoving. Tilted layers of thick sandstone (pink) and thin shale (dark) along the coast at Olympic National Park reveal the enormous forces that lifted and deformed the oceanic layers as the Juan de Fuca and North American plates converged. An ancient volcano, Mt. The ocean area along southern Asia up to the India plate is also a part of the Australia plate. That the Atlantic Ocean rift may have occurred in approximately the same place during two separate events several hundred million years apart is probably no coincidence. This is why some of the mountain chains formed during the earlier collision can be traced from Europe to North America and from Europe to Africa. Remove the Oregon quarter to reveal cooled magma chamber rocks below. This plate includes all of Africa and the surrounding ocean, including the eastern Atlantic Ocean, the surrounding Antarctic Ocean, and the western Indian ocean. Copalis River, Washington This plate is rotating counter clockwise in towards the Pacific plate. Farther east, the continent began to rift apart in the Basin and Range Province. The map shows the major tectonic plates that compose Earth's crust and upper mantle Arrows indicate direction of plate movement and the size of the arrows indicate rate of movement. Based on Keary and Vine, 1996, Global Tectonics (2ed), Blackwell Science Ltd., Oxford. This map shows the Juan de Fuca (JDF) and Explorer Plates off the coast of Vancouver Island. Over time, the San Andreas boundary has grown longer as the Farallon Plate split into two separate platesthe Juan de Fuca Plate on the north, and the Cocos Plate on the south. The east coast of North America is a passive margin and not a plate boundary. To the east it limits with the Caribbean plate, which is located in the Caribbean Sea and in the north of South America. Africa plate, Nazca plate, Scotia plate, Caribbean plate, Antarctic plate, North America plate. The western part of California (including Los Angeles and part of San Francisco) will split away from the rest of North America, and eventually sail right by the west coast of Vancouver Island, en route to Alaska. This plate is moving north east towards the Eurasia plate and the Pacific plate. The Cocos plate is a geologically young oceanic tectonic plate.It is beneath the Pacific Ocean off the west coast of Central America. Trees along the Washington coast were killed by salt-water invasion when the land suddenly dropped during the last great Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake in the year 1700. There is strong evidence around the margins of the Atlantic Ocean that this process has taken place before. Without warning the plane flew right through the eruption cloud at 25,000 feet (7,500 meters) altitude. Shasta in California, and other Cascade Volcanoes. Listing total number of features into an ArcGIS Online feature pop-up, Convergent boundaries: where two plates are colliding. North American Plate Eurasian Plate ht Arabian Plate Juan de Fuca Plate Caribbean Plate . The northern side is a divergent boundary with the Cocos Plate, the Galapagos Rise. Once this happens, the continents will no longer continue to move apart because the spreading at the mid-Atlantic ridge will be taken up by subduction. Identifying port numbers for ArcGIS Online Basemap? It is likely that as many as 20 mantle plumes, many of which still exist, were responsible for the initiation of the rifting of Pangea along what is now the mid-Atlantic ridge (see Figure \(\PageIndex{10}\)). Redoubt, on the eastern side of the park, had four explosive eruptions that resulted in large volumes of ash and mudflows. Figures 10.4.2, 10.4.3, 10.4.5, 10.4.6, 10.4.7, 10.4.8, 10.4.9, 10.4.10, 10.4.11, 10.4.12, 10.4.13, 10.4.14: Steven Earle. By 50 Ma, Australia had separated from Antarctic, and shortly after that, India collided with Asia. Effects of the 1964 earthquake are quite spectacular in the park; the coastline dropped so much that in places it lies submerged beneath about 8 feet (2.5meters) of water. Is the Philippine plate convergent or divergent? To the north it borders the North American Plate, which encompasses the entire north of the continent. A small piece of California, including . Before we talk about processes at plate boundaries, its important to point out that there are never gaps between plates. Rates of motions of the major plates range from less than 1 cm/y to over 10 cm/y. Convergent boundaries , where two plates are moving toward each other, are of three types, depending on the type of crust present on either side of the boundary oceanic or continental . Without referring to the plate map in Figure \(\PageIndex{1}\), or any other resources, write in the names of as many of the plates as you can. Novarupta Lava Dome Olympic National Park, Washington Yosemite National Park, California Transcribed image text: Question 1 (1 point) Saved Unclick all the other layers you've been using, and then click next to "plate boundary model" layer. This plate makes up all of Antarctica and much of the surrounding ocean. Modified from Beauty from the Beast: Plate Tectonics and the Landscapes of the Pacific Northwest, by Robert J. Lillie, Wells Creek Publishers, 92 pp., 2015, Much of the stable plate is under water and is called the Caribbean ocean . What type of plate boundary is North American and Eurasian Plates? Garibaldi to Lassen Peak, coincides with the north-to-south extent of the subducting plate boundary. Transcribed image text: Match each plate boundary with its appropriate type. And at times, lower-silica components of their magma chambers erupt, producing basalt lava flows as well as cinders and volcanic bombs. Stack the quarters with Washington on top, Oregon in the middle and California on the bottom. The three West Coast states are especially meaningful because they have geologic features that, when the quarters are stacked, represent the surface and subsurface of the chain of volcanoes that has been developing over the past 200 million years. Illustrations above modified from Earth: Portrait of a Planet", by S. Marshak, 2001, W. W. Norton & Comp., New York. The subduction formed a line of volcanoes stretching all the way from Alaska to Central America. This plate includes the islands that make up the Philipines and north to include parts of southern Japan. The part of the plate around the South America plate is moving northwards and a little east. This subduction-subduction-transform (SST) triple junction is referred to hereafter as the NACC triple junction. New Guinea and the northern parts of New Zealand are part of the Australia plate. This plate is bound by the North-American and Caribbean Plates to the north-east, the small Rivera Plate to the north-west, the Pacific Plate to the west, National Park Service sites in the Cascades reveal colorful landscapes that result from a varity of volcanic processes. USGS photo. The rising water melts rock in its path, forming a volcanic arc on the overrriding plate. And very large parks in the Southern Alaska Subduction Zone display magnificent mountains, rock layers and active volcanoes that tell the story ongoing plate convergence along the North Pacific Coast. Right image The San Andreas Fault and Queen Charlotte Fault are transform plate boundaries developing where the Pacific Plate moves northward past the North American Plate. This plate is moving north west towards the Eurasia plate. Plate tectonics is the theory that the crust of the earth is broken up into giant slabs of rocks that sort of fit together like puzzle pieces. This plate includes Australia and much of the surrounding ocean. Modified from Parks and Plates: The Geology of our National Parks, Monuments and Seashores, by Robert J. Lillie, New York, W. W. Norton and Company, 298 pp., 2005, Is the Nazca plate convergent or divergent? The North American Plate, for example, rotates counter-clockwise; the Eurasian Plate rotates clockwise. State quarters can be used to demonstrate the current and ancient volcanic landscapes of the Pacific Northwest and California. The North American Plate is one of the slowest, averaging around 1 cm/y in the south up to almost 4 cm/y in the north. The explanation is that plates move in a rotational manner. The west side of California is moving north, and the east side is moving south. Cocos Tectonic Plate The physical landscape was an important component of the practical and spiritual aspects of Native Americans lives. This plate is moving north east towards the Arabia and Eurasia plates. rare Examine the interactive globe. During the same period, the Atlantic Ocean began to open up between northern Africa and North America, and India broke away from Antarctica. And, as at Mt. Is the Cocos Plate convergent or divergent? But given enough time, the Coast Ranges lift up distances we can measure, while at the same time wind, rain, and the pounding of waves wear the landscape back down. Divergent boundaries are spreading boundaries, where new oceanic crust is created from magma derived from partial melting of the mantle caused by decompression as hot mantle rock from depth is moved toward the surface (Figure \(\PageIndex{3}\)). The Cocos Plate in the Pacific Ocean is subducted beneath the Caribbean Plate, just off the western coast of Central America. But parks in the Cascade Mountains within the same subduction zone are dramatically different. . Cocos Plate; Type: Minor: Approximate area: 2,900,000 km 2: Movement 1: north-east: Speed 1: 67 mm/year: . Mount Rainier is a 14,000 foot (4,300 meter) volcano in the Cascade Range developed above the place where the subducting Juan de Fuca Plate reaches sufficient depth to release hot fluids into the overriding North American Plate. Modified from Oregon's Island in the Sky: Geology Road Guide to Marys Peak, by Robert J. Lillie, Wells Creek Publishers, 75 pp., 2017, The Cascades form above the line where the subducting plate extends to depths where it heats up, dehydrates and causes magma to form. Once youve named most of the plates, draw arrows to show the general plate motions. Other rocks seen in the high mountains at the center of the park were pushed more deeply into the Earth, where increasing temperature and pressure changed them into metamorphic rocks known as quartzite and slate. 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