At the very least, the reality is miles away from what you are trying to make it, please do your research. Your position is unbiblical. He was so different than the other Christians I had met, many of whom tormented my Jewish best friend and my completely secular family. And like you, I really enjoy being described as a feministit means a ton of different things, but generally its not something I get accused of, either. Try a bit of balance, do. I asked you above if you are a man or woman and did not get a reply. And I also do not agree with her getting spanked in front of others. I had my hands up and she walks into me. Jamin was not told about the allegations made against him by [redacted] to me. So-called Christian domestic discipline occurs in a marriage when one or both partners use biblical support to rationalize an unscriptural and un-Christian lifestyle. Its one thing when it is a Ray Rice situation like in the news now. Watts' first-hand experience of Fundamentalist Christian male dominance is pretty sobering. It contains articles on spanking in marriage, as well as advice on leading the home. After a while I learned that this was really Gods plan for the household and wanted it for myself when I was married. I told Jamin I saw marks on [redacted] neck and they appeared to have been caused by the end of fingers, possibly nails. States have laws restricting consent to marry a person who is already married. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. In fact, if such anger is not expressed, it must be suppressedonly to come out sidewise at some unexpected time. Dont let him have the victory for a day longer. Plausible? Christian Domestic Discipline - 09-23-2011, 11:08 PM. Spanking your wife because your tiny little denomination thinks thats holy? I got support from friends and it was only when I opened up to them that they helped me see it was wrong. Pompous nothing, but nothing. (also known as gender complementarianism, biblical womanhood, patriarchy) The Bible says I must obey my husband in all things, our minister always repeats this in our bible study. But I do not want a day when people wake up confused because women rights have been flushed down the toilets. If he is afraid, he can call the cops. Did you find someone to share with? But the Pastor wouldnt agree with her that her husband was being too strict. ), Lone Voice says, I could never respect any god that would put such sick, stupid, selfish, sexually sadistic men in those positions. I am doing much better now and am very glad to be removed from all that. Those verses are being filtered by you through a patriarchy lens; they do not teach or support male authority over women, nor do they limit all women of all times, cultures, and churches from leading and teaching. Many want a "guide", a manual to show them how to do it. And you just assume I am a man because it never enters your intolerant head that a woman could actually want to put herself under her husbands headship. They then work out a document, a 30-page document describing every aspect of the relationship (the superior/inferior nature and all its practical implications, when and how spanking is to be performed, what the man can and cannot do, what the woman can and cannot do etc). I come to believe that spanking is needed to protect the marriage. I imagine the biggest thing other women might be experiencing is that embarrassment, demoralizing, and feeling very disempowered. Its strikes me as odd that I am in the kind of relationship that we are in and, to be honest, I get what I want most of the time just by asking. If accusations of anger are routinely hurled as thought stoppers by Christian tyrants everywhere, just think how effective wolf must think it will have been to accuse you of rage. Were they surprised by it? 13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve. Say for example, they are asked to bring another into the relationship/marriage bed, or commit a crime, because I have heard that from women. [redacted] said Jamin is very controlling. 1Cor 11:3 But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God. As a right wing, social conservative, I disagree with most secular left wing feminism. They have since been removed from YouTube. For, right now most people in this thread seem to be in a bubble of self-righteousness that tends to look ridiculous from the outside, especially when the scientists obviously know nothing about the object of their analysis. All of these questions and more are answered in this podcast series. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. Send in your testimonials! Do not strike faces or heads Gen 2:18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. God made us women to serve and obey our husbands because he knows they needed help mates. No this is not like the playground bully. I think its quite funny that you make the cultural practices of other countries an argument for how Christians should live. But yes, you do have the right to not contact them at all, or seriously restrict it. Now ( standard marriage) she refused to wash the until tomorrow as a result of this and her attitude the marriage is over. It was there that I met Christ and started down my path to happiness. 15 reasons why Christian domestic discipline is a terrible, anti-Christian idea | Biblical Personhood,, Youve also been influenced by perverse secular culture. I see no other difference in how these wives are treated compared to how they were treated as daughters. And your friend, of course, if she is able to. I know have a tremendous amount of respect for my husband. At first Ben was not consistent, and didnt spank me nearly hard enough. On the one hand, they are too arbitrary (why should the age of consent be 15 and not 16 or 22, or even 30 especially since you suggest that even adults can be tricked into domestic discipline. But over it all was always this sense of control and he was the man. My wedding vows included a vow to obey and he would often remind me that God commanded wives to submit and obey their husbands as they were supposed to do towards Christ. At least thats his justification but this is far far more severe than spankings. Her perspective clarifies a lot. saying she needs to feel the pain to remind her to whom she belongs and forcing her to do rigorous housework and chores. Lydia: Just saying my exegesis (please note the spelling) is wrong does not establish that it is. campaign, Christian Domestic Discipline/Loving Wife Spanking in a Christian Marriage is not satire -- and I just can't get it out of my head. Webchristian domestic discipline; Corset Waist Training; Deep Thoughts; Exercise and Chocolate; Fiction; maintenance; marriage; my submissiveness; Orgasm Control; Pierced Nipples; Punishment; Spanking; Submission; swingers Doe you think she have to obey him then as well? Hes made the right call. For where does it end ? Jesus taught that followers of his are not to lord authority over each other, but you are advocating that. Those who advocate domestic discipline do so on the basis of several passages taken out of context and wildly interpreted. I find your style offensive. Nor, based on his presentation here, did it ever occur to me to just assume that Lone Voice is a Christian. Founded in 2010, Thought Catalog is owned and operated by The Thought & Expression Company, Inc. For over a decade, we've been at the bleeding edge of media, pioneering an infrastructure for creatives to flourish both artistically and financially. Role playing, for starters, is spouses pretending theyre someone elseOK, isnt that adulterous in its intent? Even the words used I think make some women question whether it is wrong or not. It doesnt matter if millions of legitimate lives deviating from the average are frustrated and destroyed in the process, these are just data points). I know his preferences for what needs to be done & when he says end of discussion, that is it. Someone or something seemingly convinced you that you are not a full adult, that you are a bad (dark) child who deserve discipline. Meanwhile, I assume, you do not see your partner as a bad (dark) little boy who need you to discipline him. If every Pastor was like the one Susie writes about , the one who taught her husband how to be a good leader, there would be far fewer broken homes. I was terrified! General: Dont like scripture when it disagrees with your prejudices, you guys, do you? If legal action is taken, what measures can be used to make sure it is successful and results is the appropriate penalties rather than a slap on the wrist? Moreover, God created us in his image, and I dont see you can claim that beating the image of God is okay because its supposedly consensual. Oh brother, that was too obvious. Just as our Lord washed the feet of His disciples, it wasnt to show that He was beneath them, but to show that real leadership serves. Regina,, 9. I get two on Sunday, one in the morning before worship, and one in the evening before bible study. Claire Roise: Oppressed and Defenseless Women within the Church, Flying Free: Help for Survivors of Emotional Abuse, Lori Anne Thompson on Clergy Sexual Misconduct. Its the word of God: The safety plan needs to be reviewed and modified whenever the situation changes e.g. Specifically, those which would facilitate the investigation and assessment of, and protection his threats of extreme retribution if she were to make public her treatment, pursue legal action, or leave the relationship. Oh boy, here we go. For instance, those who practice domestic discipline often cite scripture that calls for wives to submit to their husbands. Christianity is a lot harder on women and children than it is for men, the men are living like kings and gods, promoting their superiority and rule while women and children are living like trapped miserable bottom kissing slaves. Ahhh, proof-texting. Do not do it in any degrading way; some articles suggest not to spank children with special needs; Im sure thats some kind of grey area I started going to their church and before long was a very active member. THATS JUST WRONG! I debated putting this in the Godly ladies' thread but decided that I would risk my reputation to be thought of as forward because this is just too good to keep from men. First let me say that my husband and I have just recently found your site and think it is wonderful. Really? And then after that we will spend several articles looking at cultural views of domestic discipline in America before the modern age. A few folks are gonna paddle each other. If a principle were biblical, it could and work equally for all people. I wanted to thank you so much for all of your articles. and going through Judges 4:9 all the way to Eph 5:23 and 1Tim 2:12). In other words, they basically say, you may be in pain, and you may have been wronged, but F___ you. Myself. But just like a chocolate addict will eat carob in moments of dire necessity. ), You said, Dont just say my position is not Biblical, argue it, prove it from scripture, of course.. Jesus and Paul went with out sex. Ben at first thought I was joking, but when I took him to the scripture and showed him, and had my pastor sit him down and teach him about CDD, he saw the light, reluctantly, and agreed to be the HOH of our home. I think you are exactly right. Domestic Discipline and the Bible Although defenders of domestic discipline argue that their lifestyle is biblically-based, many Christian religious leaders disagree. its the samething a guy who punched his wife in the face would say. Why isnt child spanking just as abusive as wife spanking? Maybe I shouldnt do this, but sometimes I resist giving input when asked. We are commanded to submit to them. I dont know what to do?!? Now no one complains to the Pastor at Bible school anymore I can tell you. I can see from your posts that you have major issues with men, but please dont filter the Bible through your own experiences. The article I linked to at 4:14 PM distinguishes between unforgiveness and grieving. Keep asking, keeping phoning, keep knocking on doors. It should be private. . WebBDSM provides a helpful framework for communication and safe, consensual exploration. States have laws restricting contracts between two consenting adults. You are a very dogmatic person. WebThen I went to college and met my husband James, and became a Christian. It took such a long time because that line had been blurred from growing up and then being married. As 100pinkapples said earlier, I am sure I have heard worse than whatever he comes up with. Many of us have heard worse. As far as this message is concerned I understand and respect your point. That is called assault and battery and is illegal. christian domestic discipline A History of the Corporal Discipline of Women January 11, 2023 In this third and final part of my three-part series on Christian Domestic Discipline, we explore how the practice of domestic discipline continue through the middle-ages and even into America up until the mid-20th century. In other words, they have achieved complete dominion over their wives as God commanded of Adam and all husbands in Genesis 3:16. Does that make bullying okay? Your beliefs are no excuse for assaulting another person. The definition Im using with the word submissive is the biblical definition of that. No woman is squelched by wanting her man to take up his God-given authority and actually lead. I would be fine with the term myself if used in that manner, but the word feminism unfortunately is usually associated with left wing, radical types who tend to do things like support abortion, and a lot of them vote Democrat. But since then youve gone on to talk as though male headship is required in all Christian marriages, and as though feminism is some kind of dirty word. A Lone Voice, your voice will be really lonely in the SSB doghouse if you keep up with the condescending remarks. Then my dad and my husband had coffee while I stood in the corner and dad talked to my husband about being head of household. We use the Bible in our lessons. photo credit: Chiara Cremaschi via photopin cc. Im over 40 years of age and in charge of my own life. I dont believe Bill Gothard is a Christian, I think he is a sadistic man that worships himself and wants other people to worship him. [redacted] said she has become numb to the abuse and did not feel scared, not like in the beginning. We were not married until I turned 19 though. Most will realize when they watch Pat Robertsons clip on moving to Saudi Arabia so a husband cant beat his wife, that Pat Robertson was joking not insisting. Then all the feminists have jumped around and yelled at me that I am mis-interpreting them. Weenie-chopping? Watts' first-hand experience of Fundamentalist Christian male dominance is pretty sobering. Good intentions yield more good intentions. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, and you are unwilling to come to Me (John 5.39, 40). There are in fact right wingers and conservative Christians who take the Bible literally yet who also reject the gender complementarian position (which is what you are advocating). What youre asking for is a form Benevolent Sexism. I think you should take the time to study what you want to criticize for you do not know what you are talking about (and this is not some sort of insulting rethoric, this is to be taken literally). Then look up, Gods Original Plan for Marital Roles:
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