For simplicity of the [55] For instance in Medicine among other factors the number of authors, the number of references, the article length, and the presence of a colon in the title influence the impact. Median and range were used to represent continuous variables (not normally distributed) while we used frequencies and percentages to represent categorical variables. Baselines and subject schemas create Cumulative advantage and the symbolism of intellectual property. Cap Rates will be higher or lower for individual properties depending upon the size, class and location of the property within the MSA. It appears to reflect the typical cultural self-citation behaviour in a field. The trajectory changes at the higher end, curving upwards towards much greater self-citation rates. ESI surveys more than 11,000 journals from around the world to rank authors, institutions, countries, and journals in 22 broad fields based on publication and citation performance. Almost all individuals records lie clearly within the normal central range and largely below the low threshold. Impact of country self-citations on bibliometric indicators and ranking of most productive countries. Highest rates of self-citing in some categories that are still within that central range. Scientometrics,42(3), 423428. These rates of self-citation are evidently much lower than those of self-referencing, as expected for Highly Cited Researchers because their broad peer influence attracts many cites from others (van Raan 2008), and they are relatively more variable between fields compared to self-referencing. These top 120 papers accounted for nearly 24 percent of all citations, while the top 500 papers account for nearly 50 percent. As new variants appear, researchers are offered the chance to publish on new epidemiological or variant characterization studies. Observation of the field profile is more informative than any average value and, for most fields, the central range lies below 10% self-citation. 2019; Seeber et al. A baseline is the average performance of a global set of publications with the same subject area, document type and year. Relative Citation Ratio (RCR): A new metric that uses citation rates to measure influence at the article level. Engqvist, L., & Frommen, J. G. (2008). Such reasons imply behaviors that conform both to Mertonian norms and also to the social constructivist interpretation of citation theory (Merton 1942; Kaplan 1965; Moravcsik and Murugesan 1975; Gilbert 1977; Cozzens 1989; Bonzi and Snyder 1991; White 2001; Bornmann and Daniel 2008; Davis 2009; Erikson and Erlandson 2014; Tahamtan and Bornmann 2018, 2019; Aksnes et al. The number of times Covid-19 publications are being cited throughout the literature appears remarkably high but has not been directly compared to non-Covid-19 papers in the same journals over an extended period. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology,62(2), 230235. Glnzel, W., & Thijs, B. Reward or persuasion? [31][32][33], Open access (OA) publications are accessible without cost to readers, hence they would be expected to be cited more frequently. 2019; Simoes and Crespo 2020). The rate of self-citation increases progressively across most of the spread of researchers. Zaggl, M. A. Most notably, its categorization of a publication as Article seems imperfect. Scientometrics,77(2), 373375. [but] it is quite difficult to use self-citation to inflate a citation count without being rather obvious about it. Because of extreme skews, thresholds can only be indicative under any circumstances. Gender variations in citation distribution in medicine are very small and due to self-citation and journal prestige. It is used by academic institutions in decisions about academic tenure, promotion and hiring, and hence also used by authors in deciding which journal to publish in. Cooke, S. J., & Donaldson, M. R. (2014). impact of a paper in the same research field published in that year. The negative binomial regression model was selected over a linear regression model because it resulted in a better fit to the data and was more appropriate for count data. More radical approaches would identify more of the researchers close to but above the high end of the central range as requiring investigation, but this could perhaps also enable a focus on individual cases where an unusually high rate of self-cites may be justifiable for topic-specific reasons. As an example, the Citation Rates Table displays data on the average citation rates of papers within the scientific fields over each of the past 10 years. [13], Journal-level metrics are often misinterpreted as a measure for journal quality or article quality. They are not statistical tests but point to rather than definitively identifying possible cases of excessive self-citation. Seven myths in bibliometrics about facts and fiction in quantitative science studies. Automated citation indexing[58] has changed the nature of citation analysis research, allowing millions of citations to be analyzed for large scale patterns and knowledge discovery. The FWCI is the ratio of the article's citations to the average number of citations received by all similar articles over a three-year window. Self-citations in scientific literature. To examine this more closely, we randomly selected three journals included for this paper and manually searched each journals website for Covid-19-related articles that the journal itself had categorized as an original piece of research over three months. Sugimoto, C. R., & Larivire, V. (2018). Self-citation by researchers: Narcissism or an inevitable outcome of a cohesive and sustained research program? This certainly cautions against any simple test of inappropriate behaviour and confirms the need for informed scrutiny and interpretation. Of the 10 cities in our study where buying is more favorable than renting, five are in the Midwest. The bulk of these followed a continuous range towards the high end of which there was a steeper change in trajectory and substantively higher self-citation rates with points lying outside the continuous range. Social crowdsourcing tools such as Scholarometer have been proposed to address this need. Year on year, we have witnessed a small but increasing number of instances of the scenario described by Garfield long ago: prodigious publication in low-impact journals accompanied by high levels of author self-citation (Garfield 1979). Part of Springer Nature. We anticipate that these findings could be of value to journals editors and researchers when considering efforts for future publications. Article ISBN 978-84-9048-519-4. A variety of values for N may be considered, where a low threshold would be more exclusive, delineating a relatively large proportion of researchers to be reviewed, and a high threshold would be conservative, maximising inclusiveness and focussing only on extreme outliers. Those citations are from articles published between 2008 and the present. In 2022, women earned an average of 82% of what men earned, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of median hourly earnings of both full- and part-time workers. Fowler, J. H., & Aksnes, D. W. (2007). (2016). (2017). Learned Publishing,32(3), 249258. period. This analysis, like others before, has been about individual self-citation by researchers. Bensman, S. J., Smolinsky, L. J., & Pudovkin, A. I. The method to calculate the impact factor of The Social Science Journal is as follows. Each table contains citation data for the past ten years. These are only labelled on the first graph. Journal of Informetrics,1(1), 4758. a field, but the margin of difference is impossible to determine. Scientometrics,121(3), 16351684. (2009). Scientometrics,44(3), 521531. Oxford: Oxford University Press. JIF is a commonly used surrogate to determine journal excellence and is calculated by dividing number of citations in the current year for articles published in the previous two years by total number of articles published in that journal during the previous two years [21]. [24], An alternative approach to measure a scholar's impact relies on usage data, such as number of downloads from publishers and analyzing citation performance, often at article level. To aid in interpretation, therefore, we adopted a graphical approach and both linear and log plots and analyses of referencing and citing rates were examined. Niyazov, Y., Vogel, C., Price, R., Lund, B., Judd, D., Akil, A., & Shron, M. (2016). In addition, we included papers categorized by Web of Science as Review to capture meta-analyses and systematic reviews as well. Authors as citers over time. Select the "Cited by" link and selecting the "Search within articles citingXYZ work" checkbox to discover the impact of a work. While our research reveals the substantial degree to which Covid-19 articles are being cited in top journals relative to non-Covid-19 articles, the effect on journals themselves remains to be seen. An important recent development in research on citation impact is the discovery of universality, or citation impact patterns that hold across different disciplines in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities. PLOS ONE, 11(2), e0148257. time. See Tables1, 2 and 3; Figs. Tang, L., Shapira, P., & Youtie, J. Probing the effect of author self-citations on h index: A case study of environmental engineering. (2010). Kacem et al. `Amongst all fields, only articles categorized as Medicine, General, or Internal according to WOS see a bump (28%) in citation rates that can be attributed to the field itself. 2006; Glnzel 2008; van Raan 2008; Hyland and Jiang 2018; Mishra et al. Data covers a rolling 10-year period and includes bimonthly updates to rankings and citation counts. Campanario, J. M. (2018). Bibliographical statistics as a guide to growth points in science. So we would take 8 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 23 citations. Keep in mind that citation rates are calculated from citation counts of papers that meet the criteria for inclusion in ESI. Publishing elite turns against controversial metric", "Prestigious Science Journals Struggle to Reach Even Average Reliability", "Requiem for impact factors and high publication charges", "ASM Journals Eliminate Impact Factor Information from Journal Websites", "Universality of Citation Distributions for Academic Institutions and Journals", "A citation-based, author- and age-normalized, logarithmic index for evaluation of individual researchers independently of publication counts", "An index to quantify an individual's scientific research output", "Handling self-citations using Google Scholar", "Citation classics published in knowledge management journals. In a study based on the Web of Science database across 118 scientific disciplines, the top 1% most-cited authors accounted for 21% of all citations. Consequently, it would not be universally true that a particular percentile across a field-specific range is necessarily caused by undue self-citation: it may simply be a relatively high value within normal range in that field. The value of the correlation coefficient was lower in fields with fewer outliers, which suggests these high values drive the correlation, but was still statistically significant. Finally, the model was adjusted to account for the discrepancy in volume between non-Covid-19 papers and Covid-19 papers. Zhao, D. Z., & Strotmann, A. Merton, R. K. (1988). in the group. Orvosi Hetilap,157(32), 12891293. Bar plots show the total number of citations received in 2020 to articles published in 2018 and 2019, with Frontiers journals in blue. As with all bibliometric indicators, field variation is significant, so much depends on field definition and the alignment of individuals and their work. Each graph includes Q1, Median, Q3 and the lower and upper thresholds (set at 1.5 and 3 times the inter-quartile range, IQR) for indicative outliers (see Fig. Hyland, K. (2003). (2015). The Journal Impact Factor is the average number of citations received in the last year to articles published in the previous two years. From excessive journal self-cites to citation stacking: Analysis of journal self-citation kinetics in search for journals, which boost their scientometric indicators. PLoS Biol. Clinical medicine is the largest field (448 Highly Cited Researchers). Qualifiers and confounding issues immediately arise when asking what constitutes excessive or extreme levels of author self-citation. The list is intended to identify scientists and social scientists who have demonstrated significant community influence through their publication of multiple papers frequently cited by their peers during the last decade. van Raan, A. F. J. [23], Citations are distributed highly unequally among researchers. 2), Log plots by Essential Science Indicators field of the pattern of self-citation to highly cited papers authored by Highly Cited Researchers identified by analysing Web of Science data for 20082018 and to (self-citing from later publications) highly cited papers on which a researcher is also an author or co-author. How frequently are articles in predatory open access journals cited. Citation indexing: Its theory and application in science, technology, and humanities. It uses Google Scholar to obtain the raw citations, then analyzes these and presents a variety of statistics. Next, articles without the terms Covid-19, coronavirus, or SARS-CoV-2 in the title were selected to provide an average citation rate for only non-Covid-19 articles in the journal. In addition, we expect these findings to shed light on the influence that the current influx of Covid-19 literature will have on Journal Impact Factor (JIF) in the years ahead. A review of studies on citing behavior. Copyright: 2022 Brandt et al. Evaluative bibliometrics: The use of publication and citation analysis in the evaluation of scientific activity. Scientometrics,72(3), 427437. Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science,23(2), 2546. The expected number of citations articles of the same field, publication type, and publication year have received within the same time period is 18. bioRxiv preprint, December 23, 2019. What do citation counts measure? The self-referencing median rates and outlier thresholds are similar across fields but these are more variable for the self-citation indicators. The levels we have selected for listing by field and year are 0.01%, 0.1%, 1.0%, 10%, 20%, and 50%. The calculation is number of citations / number of papers, where papers is defined as regular scientific articles, review articles, proceedings papers, and research notes. By the end of January, more than 50 research papers had been published about the outbreak [2]. Very importantly, however, the data here and in the Appendix show that in some fields, within the central normal range and below the statistical threshold, there can be a well-populated and unproblematic upper decile and even upper percentile. different disciplines and time periods so it cannot be used effectively to compare entities that are in different subjects or years. The Citation Rates table under the Field Baselines menu displays data on the average citation rates of papers within the scientific fields over each of the past 10 years. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology,68(4), 10361047. Some of these limitations include: For a high-level overview of normalized metrics and their limitations, see: For an overview of the RCR and how it's calculated, see: Hutchins BI, Yuan X, Anderson JM, Santangelo GM. Percentile values are baselines for evaluating research impact. Or is the management of the journals also a problem? In every field, except Mathematics, the median and lower indicative threshold self-citing rates (to the highly cited papers) are lower but more variable than that of the self-referencing (from the highly cited papers) (Fig. Ideas in Ecology and Evaluation,7(1), 12. No clear reference thresholds and no firm consensus on the management of self-citation data has emerged but opinion now appears to favor leaving self-citations in the dataeven in the context of research evaluation, even for individuals, and thus contrary to traditional viewsbut accounting for them in some manner (Glnzel 2008; Costas et al. If there are indeed a significant number of individuals who abuse the conventional research system by inappropriate practice then why does the system not detect and sanction this at review before publication? We compare these rates with citation rates for non-Covid-19 articles published in the same 24 journals over an identical time frame. Furthermore, publication and citation data are universally skewed and we will show that this is true of the range of self-citation rates across researchers. Examples: For Articles in the field . A Cited Reference Search will provide the number of times a particular publication has been cited in the Web of Science database since its publication. 10-year period. PLoS ONE, 14(9): article number e0221212. Journal of the American Society for Information Science,33(5), 281284. The 10-year average for Geosciences papers is 9.54, and for Immunology papers it is 20.38. Geosciences papers is 9.54, and for Immunology papers it is 20.38. It's calculated by dividing the total number of citations received by all papers in the group (defined by research field and publication year) by the total number of papers in the group. Pichappan, P., & Sarasvady, S. (2002). The number of Highly Cited Researchers to be selected in each field is determined once the bulk of the highly cited papers in each field have been clustered by author. So the RCR would be 9 citations per year / 6 citations per year = 1.5. A review of the literature on citation impact indicators. "[61][62], According to Mario Biagioli: "All metrics of scientific evaluation are bound to be abused. Such considerations stem from the Mertonian notion of a citation as a repayment of an intellectual debt, which in turn provides reward in the form of community recognition to those so credited (Small 2004). Each discipline makes an equal contribution to the metric, which eliminates differences in researcher citation behavior. Research Policy,41(2), 251261. Any paper published in the This may also be the reason why papers with shorter titles get more citations, given that they are usually covering a broader area. The citation rate in any single year can serve as a baseline to assess the Institutions (Glnzel et al. Today, both excessive self-citation and citation cartels are real concerns and have been documented (Ioannidis 2015; Fister et al. [6] examined OA article citation performance in the field of civil engineering, in terms of jour- . Larivive, V., Gingras, Y., Sugimoto, C. R., & Tsou, A. This number dips only slightly to 82% when the smaller, randomized sample is compared. Adams, J. A = citations in published articles in 2020 and 2021 by indexed journals during 2022. Note: FWCIs in Scopus will only take into account citations from articles indexed in Scopus (i.e., citations from publications that are not indexed in Scopus will not be factored into an article's FWCI in Scopus). Each graph includes Q1, Median, Q3 and the lower and upper thresholds (set at 1.5 and 3 times the inter-quartile range, IQR) for indicative outliers. ESI is a compilation of science performance statistics and science trends data using data from Clarivate Analytics Web of Science. Frontiers in Physics, 4, article number 49. Journal of Informetrics,12(3), 931949. Exceptional medians were Space Science (SPA, 14.1%) and Mathematics (MAT, 15.6%). Soares, J. 2). Science and technology in a democratic order. Some remarks on elitism in information and the invisible college phenomenon in science. Finally, though WOS is a comprehensive and highly regarded database, it is not without shortcomings. It is measured each year by the Web of Science Group and reported in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR). Studies originating in North America, those with six or more authors, sample sizes > 100, and those that are retrospective or prospective case series are independent predictors of greater citation rates at 6 years in orthopedic spine-specific medical literature. The maximum number of citations was 664 and 120 papers were cited more than 100 times, of which 30 papers were cited more than 200 times. The concept of self-citation (self-referencing or self-citation) can also be defined narrowly or broadly, that is, including or not including coauthors (Snyder and Bonzi 1998; Aksnes 2003; Glnzel et al. (1985). proposed a statistical method to evaluate the universality of citation impact metrics, i.e., their capability to compare impact fairly across fields. Another Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology,64(11), 23322339. This is very important when considering tests for outliers. The preliminary clusters were then cleaned by visual inspection and further aggregated where appropriate. 2004, 2006; Glnzel and Thijs 2004a, b; Schubert et al. But, in practice, a visual inspection of the full profile for the data set is required to complete a valid interpretation. A higher rate of self-citation is expected for co-author than for strict author self-citation, and, in general, a rising rate of co-author self-citation is observed with the growth in average number of authors per paper over time (van Raan 1998; Aksnes 2003; Glnzel and Thijs 2004b). Measuring research. We have created a publicly available database of 100,000 top scientists that provides standardized information on citations, h-index, coauthorship-adjusted hm-index, citations to papers in different authorship positions, and a composite indicator. The Frontiers Neuroscience journal series includes all Frontiers journals in the field of Neuroscience. Scientometrics,113(2), 11991207. The 10-year average for 2018; Baccini et al. A bibliometric approach to the role of author self-citations in scientific communication. The impact of the national assessment exercises on self-citation rate and publication venue: An empirical investigation on the engineering academic sector in Italy. The publication portfolio of each of the initially selected Highly Cited Researchers in each ESI field is examined to determine how often on average their highly cited papers: are cited by later papers on which they also appear as an author (Self-Citing, which reveals whether Highly Cited Researcher status is driven by self-citation rather than wider peer influence); are citing earlier papers on which they also appear as an author (Self-Referencing, which reveals whether Highly Cited Researchers draw on their own research as distinct from a wider research network). While marked outliers are detectable, they are not present in all fields and they cannot be excluded by a single universal arbiter such as a percentile. Journal of Documentation,64(1), 4580. The h-index and self-citations. Published 2016 Sep 6. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1002541. (2008). Porter, A. L. (1977). 2010; Cooke and Donaldson 2014; Huang and Lin 2011; Schubert 2016; Galvez 2017; Hyland and Jiang 2018; Mishra et al. The field of Pharmacology and Toxiciology stands out for a different reason. Michael D. Brandt, [11] By 2014 it had accumulated more than 305,000 citations. The citation impact (average citations per paper) baseline for each variant of subject, year and document type will be calculated as the mean average: Where: e = the expected citation rate or baseline, c = Times Cited, p = the number of papers, f = the field or subject area, t = year, and d = document type. 2006; Thijs and Glnzel 2006; Schubert et al. Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World,3, 122. PLoS ONE, 12(12), article number e0187394. Erikson, M. G., & Erlandson, P. (2014). Ioannidis, J. P. A. The ethos of science and its correlates: An empirical analysis of scientists endorsement of Mertonian norms. Chorus, C. & Waltman, L. (2016). Content analysis of references: Adjunct or alternative to citation counting. Self-citation can inflate h-index. Scientometrics,59(3), 281310. In-text function of author self-citations: Implications for research evaluation practice. That is to say: a test threshold value is set above the third quartile (Q3) boundary equivalent to N times the inter-quartile range (Q3Q1). The patterns for the key parameters for self-citations (Fig. [44][45][46], The evidence that author-self-archived ("green") OA articles are cited more than non-OA articles is somewhat stronger than the evidence that ("gold") OA journals are cited more than non-OA journals.
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